Bonus Episode 1 - British Wedding Culture with Lucy

Charlie Baxter

By Charlie Baxter

Season 1
Charlie gets Lucy from "English With Lucy" on the show to talk about British wedding culture. There are a lot of traditions involved in this day and so we took a look at some of those in a lighthearted conversation asking Lucy about her wedding plans as she is engaged to be married as soon as COVID-19 permits. Are British weddings anything like your culture's weddings? Listen to find out!

If you’d like to listen to part 2 and 3 of this episode then check out The Academy Monthly Subscription or The Premium Podcast Monthly Subscript.

We hope you enjoy the conversation from part 1 of this episode and better understand what British Wedding culture is like! Is it similar to yours?

Please let Charlie know on instagram @thebritishenglishpodcast.

Remember the complete Season 1 of The Academy is available for you to enjoy and go beyond your current level of English! Check out the FREE sample lesson here.

Check out Lucy's pronunciation course and take advantage of the 15% discount Lucy has kindly offered my beloved BEP listeners ;) To do so type in BEP15 at checkout so head over to her website and of course you can also go and enjoy her wonderful video content by searching 'English with Lucy' on YouTube.

As always there are a lot of expressions in this episode. So I have created a FREE worksheet with the phrases and definitions for you to download below.
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    Transcript of BONUS Episode 1 - British Wedding Culture, Premium Podcast Player Trial

    Why, hello and welcome to the British English podcast, what's that you say, first time listener?

    Oh, well, then let me explain. I teach non-Native Intermediate to advanced learners about British culture and the British English language to help you better understand the Brits and help you feel confident in communicating with us. But if you have been here before, then I apologise for that explanation because you know all too well what this show is all about. Now, before we get into this episode on British Wedding Culture with a delightful guest who goes by the name of Lucy, most well known for her very impressive YouTube channel called English with Lucy, I want to let you know that season one of the British English podcast Academy is complete. Hallelujah. That was a lot of work for me. What is the academy? I hear you ask. Well, I've turned all of the Season one episodes into fully interactive lessons. Why? Because I know that most of the language I expose my listeners to, sadly, they won't remember it tomorrow. So if you want to learn, memorise and then be able to use the language that I'm teaching you in these episodes, then sign up to my website and you can enjoy the fully interactive online academy and you can also try a sample for free. So head over to the British English podcast dot com. So season one finished and on with the show meeting Lucy from English with Lucy. Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. How are you doing?

    Hello. Thank you for having me on this podcast. It's very exciting.

    An absolute pleasure. Yes, of course. How are you doing today? What have you what have you done this morning?

    I'm doing very well, thank you. This morning I got up quite early and spent some time with Diego, my dog, who needed he needs a lot of attention each morning because if I stay in bed too long, he starts to wag his tail against a radiator and all of the vibrations go up all of the pipes of the house to the vi.. the vibrator. Sorry!

    To the radiator. To my vibrator and he turns it on and that's a start of a good morning.

    And all of these vibrations go up the piping of the house until they reach the radiator that's behind the bed and so we can hear the wags. So that's like our own personal alarm clock.

    Oh, wow. It's like a Mr. Bean scene. So he's actually downstairs.

    Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't come upstairs. He, I don't know if he knows what he's doing. I'd like to think that he does, but he is a golden retriever breed of dog so potentially not.

    Oh are they meant to be stupid. I thought they were meant to be quite intelligent.

    They're quite goofy. I'd say that's a good word to describe them. Goofy, very intelligent with some some things and very unintelligent with others, much like myself.

    So goofy being silly. Kind of.

    Yeah, very silly. He chases his tail, he'll chase his tail, getting in smaller and smaller circles until finally he collapses on the floor like a doughnut.

    Just like you!

    Yeah just like me! But then he can do the most just thing, but he can do the most amazing tricks. He'll stand up on his hind legs.

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