Access Your Membership: The Academy
Want to learn British English the FUN way?
Go above and beyond your language goals with The Academy - the place for anyone wanting to improve their British English in a fun and incredibly effective way.
Want to learn British English the FUN way?
Go above and beyond your language goals with The Academy - the place for anyone wanting to improve their British English in a fun and incredibly effective way.

Do you wish you could understand British humour the way a native does?
Most members of The Academy wished with this too. In fact, does any of the following sound familiar to you too?
If you answered yes then you know how bad it feels when everybody gets the joke, but you.
And we think you're going to love it!
"The Academy"!
It is a membership program where online learners are provided with a structured curriculum of new learning resources each and every week. It will keep you highly entertained whilst learning, gradually building a healthy habit of studying British English every week.
Here's How it Works
Practice the language
But wait there's more!
Does this really work?
You don't have to take our word for it. Instead, listen to the students that have tried our method to improve their British English skills.
Does this really work?
You don't have to take our word for it. Instead, listen to the students that have tried our method to improve their British English skills.
Now, let's look at how much this all costs then.
Each episode comes with the following
Ad Free, Full Length Audio
Definitions & Flashcardsof 50+ Native Expressions
Manually Edited Full Transcripts
Vocabulary Video & Audio Tutorials
Vocabulary & Comprehension Quizzes
Pronunciation PracticeAudio & Video
Ad Free, Full Length Audio
Definitions & Flashcards
Manually Edited Full Transcripts
Vocabulary Video & Audio Tutorials
Vocabulary & Comprehension Quizzes
Pronunciation Practice Audio & Video
Costing £150 per episode to make
Fun Grammar
Marked Writing Assignments
Speaking Classes + Recordings
Fun Grammar Lessons
Marked Writing Assignments
Speaking Classes + Recordings
With a total cost of £200 per episode and over 100 episodes, you get access to resources worth well over £20k.
But you don't have to invest thousands of pounds to hit your language goals. With The Academy you can unlock everything and still make progress at your own pace for just...
£40 per month
Choose the annual membership for just £30 per month (billed annually) to save £120 and get access to:
I guess that's what they call a no-brainer.
Unfortunately, the doors are currently closed.
But they reopen in...

Payment options for The Academy
Monthly Plan
See how quickly our students level up their English
One month into the membership
10 months into the membership
Weekly Speaking Classes on Zoom
Charlie's Class Times
Class Times
Class Times
Here are what some more members think of The Academy.
Want to see what's inside The Academy?
What you get when you join:
So in summary you get a HUGE amount of learning resources + weekly speaking calls for as little as £30 a month.
Member of The Academy
Member of The Academy
Member of The Academy
Frequently asked questions
How long will it take me to complete a Season?
What currency is the payment in?
What if I just want access to the full length episodes, transcripts and glossary, but not the academy lessons?
Will this course help improve my english?
What's the difference between the monthly membership and the annual membership?
What is the difference between The Academy Membership and The Premium Podcast Membership?
Whereas The Premium Podcast Membership is for students who only want the full episodes, transcripts and glossaries.
What are the Bitesize Episodes?
What are the Bonus Episodes?
Even more student reviews
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in The British English Podcast now!
After this course you will...