Bitesize Episode 1 - Fancy a cuppa?

Charlie Baxter

By Charlie Baxter

The Bitesize Episodes
Charlie brings you the first of the bitesize episodes that will give you your fix of The British English Podcast in 5-10 minutes. 
This episode focuses on whether or not to accept the offer of “Would you like a cup of tea?” when entering somebody’s home in the UK.
For a lot of us this seems like a simple topic but add cultural variation into it and the answer is never that simple…so let’s get stuck in and learn some English along the way.

As always there are a lot of expressions in this episode. So I have created a FREE worksheet with the phrases and definitions for you to download by entering your name and email below…

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    Transcript of Bitesize Ep 1 - Premium Podcast Trial.m4a

    Hello and welcome to a bitesize episode of the British English podcast, you lovely listeners have been asking for some shorter episodes as well as the longer ones. So your wish is my command, a phrase you can use whenever you deliver on somebody's requests promptly. Your wish is my command. So I'm a bit like a genie today. But you don't need to rub me nor my lamp because, well, I'm not interested in you molesting me and I don't have a lamp, but I do have a teapot that I might like you to rub by the end of this bitesize episode, giving you a clue there as to what this episode is all about.

    Although, yeah, on second thought, I suppose a teapot shouldn't be rubbed unless you want some lovely blisters or second degree burns.

    So let's get started with the show that helps non-native intermediate to advanced learners feel more confident communicating with the wonderfully weird people that live on the British Isles through improving your cultural awareness and British English.

    Today's topic came to mind when speaking with a student from China who flew to the U.K. last year to broaden her horizons and experience working alongside some of Europe's finest researchers in the field of neuroscience in the lively city of London. And while she has done exactly that, I've been able to hear about quite a few moments of cultural confusion over the last several months or so. And I'd like to share one of them with you today. Let me set the scene.

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